Covid-19 Updates and Guidelines- August 2021

Dear Mandarin Disciples,
Your church council met on August 1st to discuss what changes we should make in response to the increase in COVID infections in our part of Florida.

  • We decided to continue with indoor worship. One big factor in making this decision was seeing the behavior of the congregation on Sunday morning. Everyone was wearing masks and were well spaced in the pews providing social distancing. With our high rate of vaccination and everyone being so respectful of those around them, we feel safe to continue worshiping inside.
  • We will continue having music. Normally we want you to sing at the top of your lungs. However, we ask you to sing quietly “into your mask, not through your mask”. We will hold off on the choir starting up again.
  • We will have communion at a station in front of the altar as we had done for all of July. We ask you to keep your mask on until you are ready to receive the wafer and that you keep 6 feet distance while waiting in line.
  • We will continue to have the service available via Livestream on Facebook as well virtually via Mandarin Messenger (YouTube) for those that would like to further reduce their risk of infection.
  • Rally Day and the start of Sunday School have been postponed with a tentative date for Rally Day on September 12, 2021 and Sunday School the week after.
  • We will hold the yard sale to benefit St. John’s Lutheran on September 11th, but plan to do it all outdoors under the shade of the trees to the north of the sanctuary.

Vaccination continues to be the most effective way you can protect yourself and the ones you love. Please get yourself and your family vaccinated if you have not done so already. We will continue to monitor the recommendations of the state, synod, and CDC.  Click here for the COVID-19 Weekly Situation Report from the Florida Department of Health.