The Weekly Word

The tone of this week’s texts is ominous. But do not become anxious. Because of our baptism into Christ, we know how to live in the meantime. We are strengthened for the living of these days in word and sacrament. We rally around the invitation of the apostle: “Do not be weary in doing what is right,” and Jesus’ words, “By your endurance you will gain your souls.”

This week we look at the scriptures for All Saints Sunday. Martin Luther said it so correctly when he said that we were both saints and sinners at the same time. Thank God that, in holy baptism, God makes saints out of sinners and, in holy communion, God forgives the sins of all the saints.

This week we take a look at the Scriptures that we will read on Reformation Sunday. The Reformation started the reshaping of the Church.  Today we continue that practice of reshaping who we are as we faithfully try to proclaim the love of God to the world.

Genuine repentance and pretentious piety stand in stark contrast in the gospel and all around us. All creation stands in need of God’s forgiveness. Keep the faith. God’s people shall be accounted righteous for Jesus’ sake. Our God is merciful to sinners. For this we worship and glorify God forever.

Pray always. Do not lose heart. This is Christ’s encouragement in the gospel today. Wrestle with the word. Remember your baptism again and again. Come regularly to Christ’s table. Persistence in our every encounter with the divine will be blessed.

This week begins and ends with a healing story. In between are a song of praise for God’s goodness to us (Psalm) and instructions to proclaim God’s word faithfully.

This week’s Scriptures are all about faith. Faith gives life, leads us to hope and trust in God, and brings encouragement.

Throughout the Bible, we see that God is a God who cares for and is concerned about the poor, the hungry, and the oppressed. We also see that God is not against wealth – God is just against the way some people use their wealth, or I should rather say, DON’T use their wealth.

This week’s Scriptures inform us of God’s love for those who are poor, God’s intolerance toward those who oppress the poor, and God’s expectations that the Church will focus on prayer for others. The Gospel ends the week with a call to faithful living, choosing God above all else.

This week’s readings show us what an awesome God we serve! They move from being a sinful people, acknowledging our sin, asking for forgiveness, to living in grace and being rejoiced over in heaven.

This week our Scriptures point us to the way we should live our lives: loving God, delighting in the ways of the Lord, receiving those who did us wrong as family, and following Jesus no matter the cost.

This week’s Scriptures speak about how we conduct our daily lives. They encourage us to live humbly with God and one another, to be righteous in our dealings with others, to remember that God loves us and to love others in return, and to extend hospitality to those who cannot repay us.
This week’s readings call us to reflect on how we are living our lives. Are we showing justice and mercy in how we live our lives?
There is a thread weaving through the Scriptures this week of a call to live our lives as God’s children in a manner that is faithful to the Gospel and offers justice to all.
This week our Scriptures encourage us to trust in God, keep up our faith and hope in God, and look forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises in our lives.