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9 a.m. Worship
Join us for worship each week at 9 a.m. at MLC. Want to worship but unable to join us? You may view our service streamed live on Facebook each week at 9 a.m. here.
MLC Baby Pantry Open
Mandarin Lutheran Church is committed to joyfully serving not just our congregation, but our community as well. The goal of the MLC Baby Pantry is to supply local families in need with baby care items, including diapers, wipes, bath needs, rash cream, ointments, and gently used clothing, at no cost to parents in the Jacksonville […]
Children’s Sunday School
Children’s Sunday School meets weekly, following the 9 am service, at 10:15 am.
Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School meets weekly, following the 9 am service, at 10:30 am.
Diakonia Class
Diakonia Course- Old Testament with Reverend Dr. Russell Meyer Seats are still available and you are welcome to jump into this exciting program at any time. If you would like […]