Tithe Online
Simplify your giving with Tithe.ly!
2 easy ways to give:
- Download the “Tithe.ly” Finance app (NOT the Church App) to your phone from the app store for iPhones and google play for others.
- To give on your desktop computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone please click the Give with Tithe.ly button.
Worship Assistant Sign-Up
Click the button below to sign-up to serve in Worship. Each week, we are in need of one greeter, two ushers, one lector and one lay assistant. Sign-ups can be created up to six weeks in advance and no experience is necessary.

Amazon Smile
You can now support Mandarin Lutheran Church each time you shop on Amazon! Simply click the link at the bottom to select MLC as your charity of choice and Amazon will donate .5% of your purchase price directly to us.