Dream Team Opportunities- Week 1

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller


February 13 is Super Bowl Sunday and Team Day at MLC!  

Plan to wear your favorite team gear and show your MLC spirit by signing up for Dream Teams!  The ministry areas are:  Council/Administration, Education, Fellowship/Discipleship, Finance, Outreach, Property, Worship/Music, Youth, Talents for Jesus.

Each week leading up to the 13th, we will feature areas of ministry to help familiarize you with the teams available to join.   If you aren’t able to join us for Team Day, you will also have access to a Sign-Up Genius tool to choose the ways in which you’d like to get involved and share your talents and abilities.

This week we’re featuring Education, Youth and Outreach.


Education teams will support Sunday School, Vacation Bible School (VBS), Rally Day and other learning opportunities in various ways.  Team members may teach, select curriculum and/or plan activities related to education.


Youth teams will support youth and family programs and applicable fund raising when needed.


Outreach teams work to connect with the community through efforts such as collections for various causes, and events such as caroling in the neighborhood and Trunk or Treat.

Food in the Wilderness! Or Change?

Change is not something we necessarily like or want, but it happens all the same. Life is constantly changing; the world is constantly changing.  And sometimes that is a good thing whether we like it or not.


This was as true for the Israelites coming out of exile from Egypt as it is for us today.


The congregation of the Israelites had some words of complaint about their current situation. “We are hungry!” they said. “You led us out away from what we once knew to a place we have yet to see, with a life and food we know nothing about. In our old life we at least knew that our stomachs would be filled…”


They were feeling lost in the wilderness, lost between what once was and what would and could be. In this time of continued Covid outbreaks and new variants, we may feel like we are in the wilderness, lost between what was and where we are headed. We may feel like too much is changing.  However, the change brings about a new thing, a new way of living, a new way of experiencing God.


It can be a big challenge to follow God’s lead, to make changes in our lives, even when the changes are for our own good!


It can help to remember that God was there in the wilderness with the Israelites and God is with us in our wilderness today: “…they looked toward the wilderness, and the glory of the LORD appeared in the cloud.” (Exodus 16:10) In the wilderness, we need to trust that God knows where we are, and that God provides for us because God cares about us!


Ever-present God, remind us that you are with us today. Help us as we walk through the changes and challenges of life by feeding our courage with faith. Help us to remember that you always provide for our needs. Amen.

ELCA Youth Gathering Preparations Have Begun!

ELCA Youth Gathering preparations are starting back up! Here are a couple of facts for where we are at:


What is the Youth Gathering? Its purpose is to create faith formation in our youth who have just graduated from the 8-12th grade at the time of the Gathering. This is accomplished through community service, Bible study and discussion with our synod, exploration of the Activities and Interaction Center, and daily Mass Gathering at night through worship, music, dance, speakers, etc. with 30,000 other Lutherans.

What are the specifics for this coming Gathering? It will take place in Minneapolis from 7/24/22 – 7/28/22. The theme is Boundless and comes from Ephesians 3:19 which says, “I want you to know all about Christ’s love, although it is too wonderful to be measured. Then your lives will be filled with all that God is.” In other words, God is Boundless! Registration begins on 9/22/21, but we have until 11/22/21 to lock in at the lowest possible rate.

The Boundless logo, seen above, contains letters that exceed their normal font size, rendering them…boundless! The colors also represent the Northern Lights that can be seen in Minneapolis.


How much money will be needed to get our youth to Minneapolis? The budget is always finalized in January as we will have our assigned hotel then and will know how much it costs. Registration is $350 per person. Transportation will be a little higher than normal this time as we will have to fly given the distance. We would also like to raise money for food. Our estimate is that it will cost close to $1500 per person and could have 6 – 8 participants. We are off to a great start so far but we still have a lot to raise. Once we know our hotel and know how many are going, we will be posting exactly how much more is needed in the fellowship hall.

Many regular fundraisers will be coming. However, there are two different opportunities I’d like to point out. First, there are “Gathering Sponsorships” in envelopes tacked to our picture board in the Fellowship Hall. To give a one-time donation you fill out a form containing all of your social media platforms, email address, and phone number. When we are at the Gathering, we will be sending you pictures, postcards, and messages letting you know all that we are experiencing as it happens. You will also get “shoutouts” on social media letting everyone know that you helped us get there. Just complete the form and give it back to me. There is also a “Boundless” button pack inside the envelope for you to keep.
Also, we now have a Venmo account. Whenever we have a fundraiser going, you will not need to bring cash or check. You can simply send us a donation to our Venmo account at @MLCYouth. If you’d like to give a general donation outside of fundraisers, you can certainly do that too.

OneCOP Initiative

Some weeks ago, the council approved an initiative from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to be involved with OneCOP. We are now moving forward as we have been assigned an officer who will partner with us in trying to decrease violence in our communities and increase a better understanding of the tensions in our communities.
The One Congregation One Precinct (OneCOP), an initiative of MovementForward, Inc., is a proactive approach to addressing the tensions around police-involved incidents, as well as ongoing crime and violence in local communities.
The objectives of OneCOP incorporate the pillars of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing:
  1. Improving public safety through collaboration and information sharing to prevent, combat and solve crimes by tapping into the varied resources of faith-based institutions.
  2. Increasing community engagement with patrol-level police officers, via congregations, resulting in decreased bias, increased familiarity, mutual respect and trust.
  3. Proactively creating a direct link between law enforcement executives and community leaders in an effort to prevent violent responses to officer-involved crises while also giving voice to growing public concerns relative to policing.
In light of tensions currently felt between many communities and law enforcement professionals, leaders in every relevant sector must work cooperatively to improve and strengthen relationships between offices and communities before a negative scenario occurs in the local communities. The purpose of this innovative effort is to reduce mounting tensions between community members and law enforcement officers by building partnerships to create mutual understanding. (OneCOP Implementation Guide)
Our next step will be a meet and greet with Sergeant Paul Napoli. Hopefully, we will be able to introduce him one Sunday in October.
I look forward to giving you all updates as we plan future events involving Sergeant Napoli.

A New Look for Changing Times

In keeping up with the ever-changing times, it was decided to give Mandarin Lutheran Church a new look! Looking back over the last 35 years of Mandarin Lutheran Church history, no logo could be found.
In recent years we began using the one seen today on our online presence and electronic communication. In the world of technology, and in a season of our lives where online communication is more important than ever, logos and taglines are key in creating and maintaining brand recognition.
We are excited to introduce you to our new logo. With the permission of the ELCA we are utilizing the tagline of “God’s Work. Our Hands.” along with this updated look. Watch for these changes to occur over the next several weeks as the website, Facebook, and Mandarin Messenger get an update to reflect the new face and identity of Mandarin Lutheran Church.

Anxious and Stressed?

Last Sunday we heard David start out his sermon with a question, “Who of you have had the following in the last 18 months…anxiety, depression, a feeling of being overwhelmed…?” All of us raised a hand.

The last 18 months have been hard on us all.  Some of us have found ways to cope with our feelings and emotions, but all too often, those coping mechanisms seem inadequate against the relentlessness of adjustments we are called upon to make.

It is important that we practice self-care in this time when we feel like we have no or little control over our lives.

Here are some things I found helpful as I have tried to overcome my own feelings of anxiety and inadequateness. I hope you find one or more helpful as well.

  • First thing in the morning, spend time with God. Even sitting in silence with a cup of tea/coffee and taking in the presence of God helps to set the day on the right path.
  • Take moments during the day to breathe intentionally. One minute of controlled breathing 4-5 times a day helps us to relax and, again, connect with the presence of God. As I breathe in, I focus on the breath of God; as I breathe out, I focus on letting all negativity go.
  • Twice a day do this breathing exercise which I found in Metabolic Factor:

The following steps should all be carried out in the cycle of one breath:

First, let your lips part. Make a whooshing sound, exhaling completely through your mouth.

Next, close your lips, inhaling silently through your nose as you count to four in your head.

Then, for seven seconds, hold your breath.

Make another whooshing exhale from your mouth for eight seconds.

When you inhale again, you initiate a new cycle of breath. Practice this pattern for four full breaths.

The held breath (for seven seconds) is the most critical part of this practice. It’s also recommended that you only practice 4-7-8 breathing for four breaths when you’re first starting out. You can gradually work your way up to eight full breaths.

This technique slows down your heart rate, promoting relaxation of the whole body.

  • Take a relaxing bath 5 nights a week, preferably before going to bed. It helps to relax and destress the body. (You could add 2 scoops of Epsom Salts as it has detoxifying properties.)
  • Do some form of exercise for 20-30 minutes a day
  • End your day how you started – in prayer. Remember, your prayers don’t need to be long, they just need to be a genuine conversation with God.
  • Talk to someone about your feelings. Do not bottle them up. My door is open, and I have been known to answer my phone 😊

May God bless us all with peace and calm as we navigate through the new uncertainties we now face.

Pastor Anna